Ryoichi Yamazaki -Drawing works-

日時/DATE : 2021/8/28(sat)-9/5(sun) 11:00~18:00 *online EC site 8/28(sat)- 9/20(mon)

会場/PLACE:art gallery Komori/アートギャラリー小森 

Online EC site “ARTSY”        

 彫刻家 山崎龍一の新作から過去作まで、ドローイング約25点展示いたします。山崎のドローイング作品は、くすっと笑えるユーモアなものから、時にシニカルに絵の中の主人公が私たちに訴えかけてくるようなものなど様々です。                   



The sculptor, Ryoichi Yamazaki, his drawing exhibition is started at art gallery Komori from 28th of August. There are about 25 drawing works from past one to new one.

The works makes you laughing with humor, sometimes appealing look cynically.

It seems his drawing works is played as important role for knowing his personality and his living and further understanding about his works, because he has be drawing the coming up idea through his daily life, the something happened of around himself and so on.

You can check the all works exhibited in this time by online EC site “artsy”. we hope to be your help to you living in a distant place or wondering to buy .if you have a questions about art works and artist, Please contact us anytime.




[artist statement ]

The culture-bound syndrome is defined as psychiatric symptoms that are considered to be a recognizable disease only within a certain region, race, and cultural environment . For instance, Taijin-Kyofu-sho, literally means the disorder of fear of interpersonal relations is also a culture-bound syndrome.

The hooded clothes of like the whole body tights that these children (work) wear show the wall of the mind that avoids social contacts from others. And by hiding oneself in the corner or shadows not in the center in a dignified manner, the introverted attitudes of a social withdrawal are drifted in the scene. However, the act of peering at and checking over others appears to be instead the act of trying to make communications with others. As for this, we find some common features on people browsing Internet sites or bulletin boards. They steal a glance at stranger's event quietly while they are in their own room. Their great interest in others is obvious, but they wear a mask of indifference as well.

山崎 龍一 略歴 / Ryoichi Yamazaki profile

1976 東京都台東区浅草生まれ 2002 東京造形大学造形学部美術学科彫刻専攻 卒業 2004 東京造形大学造形学部美術学科 研究生修了

1976 Born in Asakusa,Tokyo
2002 Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University of Art and Design 2004 Finished the master of fine arts,Tokyo Zokei University of Art and Design

主な展覧会/selected exhibitions

2006 7th SICF スパイラル/東京 2007 大阪・アート・カレイドスコープ2007 芝川ビル/大阪 2009 大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2009 旧東下組小学校/新潟 2010 ~サラリーマンコレクター30年の軌跡~ 山本冬彦コレクション展 佐藤美術館/東京 六甲ミーツ・アート「芸術散歩」 六甲レジャースポット/兵庫 2011 帰ってきた りったいぶつぶつ展 Bunkamura Gallery/ 東京 中之条ビエンナーレ 2011 旧廣盛酒造/群馬 2015 DanDans - Une nouvelle génération d’artistes japonais item ÉDITIONS Paris/France

2006 7th SICF Spiral / Tokyo 2007 Osaka・Art Kaleidoscope2007 SHIBAKAWA building / Osaka 2009 Echigo Tsumari Art Triennale 2009 HIGASHISHITA Elementary School / Niigata 2010 ~salary man collector’s 30 years locus ~ Fuyuhiko Yamamoto collection Sato museum/Tokyo Rokko Meets Art Art Trip Rokko Leisure Spot / Hyogo 2011 Coming back RITTAI BUTSU BUTSU Exhibition Bunkamura Gallery/ Tokyo Nakanojo Biennale 2011 Hiromori sake cellar/Gunma 2015 DanDans - Une nouvelle génération d’artistes japonais item ÉDITIONS Paris/France


2007 BankARTスタジオプログラム BankART Studio NYK/横浜 2007 Bank ART Studio program Bank ART Studio NYK /Yokohama


2009 『 Leave me alone 』 芸術新聞社 2009 [ Leave me alone ] GEIJYUTUSHINBUNSHA


2001 国際瀧富士美術賞 2007 NEXT DOOR T&G ARTS賞

2007 NEXT DOOR T&G ARTS PRIZE 2001 International Takifuji Art Direction Award


Jean Pigozzi collection

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